Impact Positively  |  Gain Meaningfully

KENMERINTIS encompasses Business Catalysing as a core business offering. With the vast network and industry experience accumulated over the many years, it has become an innate ability to bridge connections, services and technologies between our clients, partners and associates. 

Our expertise capacities in branding, marketing and communication remain as important services to provide the strategic insights to developing new business ideas and innovations to drive business forward. We are currently working on the forefront of some of the newest technologies and innovations in the world today. 

Our portfolio is diverse with clients and partners in the fields of energy, information technology, property development, senior living, wellness & healthcare, tourism and F&B.

ESG Sensibly

Whether ESG is legislated or not, the principles behind it are solid and should be part of operations protocol. Perhaps with different levels of interpretations and applications.

We have taken interest to advocate for Energy Efficiency (EE) as we see it is the lowest hanging fruit that can be implemented by all levels of enterprise and with immediacy. We see EE as a boon to businesses as it has multiple benefits; to the environment, cost savings and then in turn downstream benefits to stakeholders including employees and customers.

We act as advocate and agent to various EE tools and technology. Implementation costs can be zero with PBC (Performance Based Contracts) or 'Savings-Profit' Sharing. We are also able to integrate holistic solutions together with our principals. We facilitate OEM arrangements.

The Kaizen principle is our living attitude.

The design process never ends according to any timeline or deadline. A design result may be relevant and applicable to answer a need at a given time, but the design process is continuous on the empathetic plane throughout the conscious and subconscious realms. 360º.

Work with us if you are seeking holistic creative and strategic partners on your business journey

Making things work; Making things work better; these are our traits.

~  For Better or First™  ~

our name MERINTIS (Malay language):
~ to clear a new path, pioneering, to be the first to explore a new region or subject.

our attitude KAIZEN ~ Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning "change for the better" or "continuous improvement." It is a Japanese business philosophy regarding the processes that continuously improve operations and involve all employees. Kaizen sees improvement in productivity as a gradual and methodical process.        > more info

our attribute DESIGN THINKING ~ Design thinking is a process for solving problems by prioritizing the consumer’s needs above all else. It relies on observing, with empathy, how people interact with their environments, and employs an iterative, hands-on approach to creating innovative solutions.        > more info